It’s been a minute

I was trying to blog every Monday on my days off, the problem has been, I haven’t been off on a Monday in a while. I’ve either flexed my time because I was out of town, or I have had to come in to get some extra work done. At the end of the day, I am exhausted and I am ready for bed.

That got me thinking as I sit here with my eyes burning because they are tired and my mind starting to get fuzzy because my body wants to surrender to sleep…how was it for the men and women who have toiled all day long in the fields? You are up before the crack of dawn, working as the sun comes up, two breaks for meals, and at the end of the day, you come back to your cabins weary and exhausted. There’s still dinners to be had, whatever that may be, cooked most often by the woman of that particular household. There is mending of clothing and tools to be done or perhaps some sewing. Some little project to be worked on that will bring in money possibly being saved for a new shirt, some fancy ribbon, or freedom. All while your body begs for rest, for stillness, and for peace.

As I search for balance in this new life of full time work, and consulting I am reminded that this was the life I chose. There were many who worked beyond full time and at the end of the day took care of the home they had. It humbles me and makes me incredibly thankful. I’ll continue to try and push ahead. No matter how tired I may feel or how rough a day may have been, I have freedom, health and family that I know will always be there.

image from

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2 Responses

  1. I have always been drawn to stories of people who retain their dignity and culture while enduring horrible conditions and impossible choices. They are ones to be studied, copied and admired.

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